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Loading data from the CZ cryoET Data Portal

For this code to work you'll need to install cryoet-data-portal which you can do by following the installation instructions on this site.

Screenshot of surforama with data from the CZ cryoet data portal. This shows the 3rd largest segmentatoin being rendered in surforama.


This script will:

  • load a tomogram, membrane annotation, and points from the cryoET data portal
  • run connected components and return the 3rd largest component (in this dataset the large membranes can be slow for surforama)
  • open the Surforama widget

Once that has happened there are some interactive steps:

  • select the layer for the 3rd largest component in surforama
  • run Generate Mesh
  • run start surfing
  • explore the surface of this section of membrane
import cryoet_data_portal as portal
import zarr
import napari
import s3fs
import ndjson
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from skimage import measure
import surforama

# Instantiate a client, using the data portal GraphQL API by default
client = portal.Client()

fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(anon=True)

# Use the find method to select datasets that contain membrane annotations
datasets = portal.Dataset.find(client, [portal.Dataset.runs.tomogram_voxel_spacings.annotations.object_name.ilike("%membrane%")])
dataset_id = datasets[0].id

# An example Tomogram
tomo = portal.Tomogram.find(client, [ == dataset_id])[0]
run_id =

# Show downscaled tomogram
g = zarr.open_array(f"{tomo.https_omezarr_dir}/2", mode='r')

# Annotations
annotations = tomo.tomogram_voxel_spacing.annotations

# Ribosomes
ribosomes_a = annotations[0]
ribosome_name = ribosomes_a.object_name
ribosomes = []
with[0].s3_path) as pointfile:
    for point in ndjson.reader(pointfile):
        ribosomes.append((point['location']['z'], point['location']['y'], point['location']['x']))

# Membrane
membrane_a = annotations[1]
membrane_name = membrane_a.object_name
membrane_path = membrane_a.files[0].https_path
membrane = zarr.open_array(f"{membrane_path}/2")

# Run connected components on the membrane data
labeled_membrane, num_features = ndi.label(membrane)
sizes = np.bincount(labeled_membrane.ravel())

# Exclude background (label 0) and sort the component sizes in descending order
# Get the labels sorted in reverse by component size (excluding background)
sorted_labels = np.argsort(sizes[1:])[::-1] + 1

# Get the label of the 3rd largest component so we don't have a large mesh
third_largest_label = sorted_labels[2]

# Create a mask
third_largest_component_mask = labeled_membrane == third_largest_label

# Load into Surforama and Napari
viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3)

# Add tomogram, ribosomes, and membrane data to the viewer
viewer.add_points(ribosomes, face_color="red")
viewer.add_image(g, scale=(4, 4, 4))
viewer.add_labels(membrane, scale=(4, 4, 4))
viewer.add_labels(third_largest_component_mask, scale=(4, 4, 4))

# may need to use viewer.layers[-1].scale = (4, 4, 4)

# Instantiate the Surforama widget
surforama_widget = surforama.QtSurforama(viewer)
viewer.window.add_dock_widget(surforama_widget, area="right", name="Surforama")