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Installing surforama

Surforama is a python package that can be installed via PyPI. If you are just getting started, we recommend installing Surforama via an environment manager such as venv or mamba. We recommend Python 3.9 or greater. Once you have set up your Python environment, you can install Surforama with the following commands.

surforama requires the napari viewer. If you would like to install napari and surforama together in one line, you can use the following command:

pip install "surforama[napari]"

If you already have napari installed, you can directly install surforama in the same environment:

pip install surforama

After installation completes, you can test the installation using our Getting Started tutorial. If you have questions you can post on the CellCanvas stream of the zulip chat.

Developer installation

If you would like to contribute to Surforama, please see our Contributing Guide.